Palestine, Reflection

Palestine Will Never Die.

We've all seen the pictures; we've all watched the videos. There is no denying that we are witnesses to these heinous crimes against humanity. Subhanallah, when a people before us were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said, “When is the help of… Continue reading Palestine Will Never Die.

Palestine, Quran, Ramadan

الشهيد عبد الحميد المغربي Subhanallah, this is beautiful on so many levels. Firstly, this man, given the opportunity to depart Gaza, rejected it. Why? Because and I quote, "I want to be an Imam of our Masjids, this year in Gaza." Allahu Akbar!! Secondly, he returned to our Creator, in the best state(Fasting) during the best Month. May… Continue reading الشهيد عبد الحميد المغربي